Composite lamina - Aesthetic filler

What is composite lamina / composite leaf tooth / aesthetic filling?

Composite lamina process is a smile design option made to eliminate 1-3mm gaps, fractures and irregularities between the teeth applied with specially produced aesthetic anterior tooth fillings.

How to make composite laminate / composite leaf tooth / aesthetic filling?

  • The possible end state of the process is shown to the patient by making a smile design, by computer-aided programs or directly on the teeth. The treatment to be performed is finalized by considering the treatment requests and expectations of the patient.
  • Tooth surfaces are cleaned before composite laminate is applied.
  • The most suitable color is chosen among the aesthetic fillings.
  • To ensure retention, the tooth is roughened to a degree that cannot be seen with the naked eye.
  • Bonding=Filling adhesive is applied. The bond is fixed with blue light.
  • With the composite filling, the tooth is given a new aesthetic appearance.
  • Polishing and polishing processes are done.